She lived a full and long active life. She was still hiking the trails in the high mountains of the Rockies well into her 80's. It bugged her no end when she had to stop.
There will be a gathering of the clan in Denver over the next few days. I won't be attending. I no longer travel. She'd be fine with that. My cousin is fine with that. I just spoke to her, my cousin...the eccentric one of us [which is saying something, believe me]. She always makes me laugh even in her pain she makes me laugh. At the moment she's dithering. It's one of her more accomplished talents__dithering. My aunt would allow her to dither for just so long and then she'd snap out some sharp statement meant to to get my cousin to refocus. It rarely worked. Watching the two of them was like watching a comedy.
Today my cousin is cleaning what is, I can assure you, an already spotless apartment in preparation for all the influx of relatives and visitors.
'I just realized I can put a plant in the middle of the table now."
"No you don't understand. I couldn't before. It might scratch the finish on the table."
"You're still not getting it."
"It's my table now.
"And the cookies."
"What about the cookies?"
"I don't have to hide them anymore."
"Maybe you should still hide the cookies."
"Well, because you might burn some calories looking for them."
"Do you hide Your cookies?"
And that is funny because she was crying/laughing while she was saying this.
I asked my aunt [in my head] what she wanted me to do for her funeral. Flowers? No__don't spend the $. I went through a short list of other things. Finally I was left with 'Call your cousin.' I have and I will continue to do so. My Aunt__She was the last of the old guard.