Tomorrow Mercury will turn direct. It will stop chasing it's own tail, talking out of the other side of it's own mouth, twisting your words to suit it's own twisted sense of humor for the mere amusement of bored spheres and get on with the business of communication in it's purer forms. This is a good thing and as long as we stick to sending out purer forms of communication from our end things should get better on that front.
Over the last year it has gone retro three times, all in fire signs. Each year it chooses an element and sticks to it. This coming year of 2013 it will makes it tour de force in water signs. What does this mean? Well, the fire signs were all about ___well, here, this will explain it better than I can:
The adjustments of Mercury retrograde typically occur three times a year, giving 2012 a dynamic start. The Mercury retrogrades during 2012 are in fire signs, bringing the spark forward from the power of feelings, as Mercury retrogrades back into water signs to connect with our passion, emotional commitment and our true beliefs. The adjustments that occur during Mercury retrograde typically have a theme that occurs all year long, shown by the elements of the signs affected. The Mercury retrogrades that occur[ed] in 2012 provide the opportunities for us to make adjustments in the practical aspects of our life from the information brought to us through the Mercury retrograde in fire signs; Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (occurring in that order). Decisions about our goals and aspirations will be the focus during the Mercury retrogrades of 2012 as change, breakthrough and freedom allows our feelings to break free from the restrictions of the past. Because we are making decisions to bring forward the visionary awareness into our new journey, new endeavors, new goals, the events during the Mercury retrograde time frames help us to veer away from the past emotional dramas and take bold steps out of the old situations to move into our new future. These adjustments will be very necessary as they allow us to make major changes, emphasizing our bold and innovative choices assigned to the fire signs of the retrogrades.
For 2013 Mercury will be transiting and retrograding through water signs. This will affect:
In 2013, Mercury retrogrades three times, all in the water signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Issues relating to the emotional aspects of feelings beliefs and inner essence becomes the key aspects for this time. Mercury brings forward important information that relates to our beliefs, passion and the power of our feelings moving our life and expressions forward. With 2013 being a SIX year, there will be many changes within the home environments relationships, families and locations. These areas will become reflection of the transitions that are happening within. [This also is the area of the astrological wheel that affects healing__sixth house__nutrition, and general attention to detail concerning health and well being].
Water is an excellent healer. This is an auspicious outlook for anyone who is interested in studying healing in any capacity or in receiving any of the healing arts. It is also a good sign that there will some major breakthroughs in healing research. Even when Mercury goes into it's retrograde motion and appears stalled and we start getting our frustrating messages or no messages at all, remember things will even out.
Mercury turns retrograde February 23rd at 19 Pisces
Mercury turns direct on March 17th at 5 Pisces
Mercury turns direct on March 17th at 5 Pisces
Mercury turns retrograde June 26th at 23 Cancer
Mercury turns direct on July 20th at 13 Cancer
Mercury turns direct on July 20th at 13 Cancer
Mercury turns retrograde October 21st at 18 Scorpio
Mercury turns direct on November 10th at 2 Scorpio
Mercury turns direct on November 10th at 2 Scorpio