Thursday, January 3, 2013


NASA and all attached satellites, we have a problem.

This evening, in an attempt at regaining lost beauty and elegance [or possibly merely misplaced] I decided at the tender hour of midnight to do SPA. Yes, do SPA. It is it's own event...especially if you haven't perpetrated it upon yourself for as long as it's not been done to or upon me. Why would I do this? Because I was already doing laundry and the television has entered the dead zone and I was BORED.
I read a recipe for a coffee-ground and sugar scrub I thought might be entertaining.
In the spirit of multitasking I made coffee, you know for the grounds, and drank some because waste not/want not__etc., and we were off to the races.
And I decided to mix a couple of other things in with the grounds and coconut oil; you know for a moisturizer and a couple of drops of herbal this and that to help with my skin. Anyway, I was playing chemist by the time the shower was ready but everything looked ready and I got the cloth and the mesh stopper that was recommended to keep the drain from backing up and, again, off we [figuratively] went.
The drain started to back up. Well, yes, I know all I had to do was remove the mesh but I was covered in grounds and wasn't finished SPA-ING yet and there were more grounds, well, grounding and so I kept spa-ing. And the tub kept filling. It was around this time, say 1 am, that I began to realize there might be a slight problem. Like the fact that Matt was going to be up in a couple of hours and need the bathroom to get ready for work and I needed to get finished spa-ing and clear the tub. That's when I really took a good look at the amount of clearing that was going to have to be done.
I got out of the tub and in my new skin started bailing like a fishwife on holiday.
It was then a quarter to 2 in the morning. I was hot, sweaty and no longer spa-d.
I do glow.


  1. I'm laughing too hard for only being up ten minutes...

    1. Go ahead, laugh. It's supposed to be good for the facial muscles. Someone ought to get a good spa put of all of this.

    2. and that was supposed to read 'out' not 'put'

  2. Lol... Oh... Dear.... The dog is looking at me funny, like _what the hell is wrong with you_.... *gasps*

  3. Threaten him with coffee grounds.

  4. At least you're still glowing... I hope!

    1. I finally fell asleep at around 7. I woke up at 10. I'm telling you, this may be the way to consume caffeine.

  5. The dog woke me up in the middle of the night to go out, Goldie. I couldn't get back to sleep so I read this... and laughed... and laughed... and Sunny looked up at me all pissed off because I was shaking the bed I was laughing so hard. LOL. Still giggling...

  6. Teach him to wake you up in the middle of the night! LoL

  7. LOL!!

    I read this to my dad. He laughed. XD

    1. You have just reaffirmed your father's [and all men's] secret belief, that we women may not be wrapped too tight.

  8. Don't worry. It was all a dream, I bet.
